Some projects I enjoyed taking part in


Organizing AI related event for engineering students


As the president of the AI lab in GarageISEP, a student innovation association we organized many activities to help student discover some AI application. Among those we has a hackathon with nearly 200 participants, some workshops and talks at our school.


Myelin sheath segmentation


Project realized as part of my end of study research classes. The aim was to segment myelin sheats in CT scan images. This can then be used to compute the R-ratio, a clinical parameter that can help detect diseases like sclerosis. Tech used: Python with Tensorflow


Domotic project

During my 3rd year of engineering school we worked on a domotic project where we set up some sensors (heat, luminosity etc.) on an arduino board. The results were then send to a local server and data could be access through a web application. With his account the user could also trigger elements such as fans or shutters. The board logic was controlled in C and the web app in HTML, CSS, JS for the front and JS, PHP for the backend.